Five technologies that change the world may be witnessed in our lifetime!

Five technologies that change the world may be witnessed in our lifetime!

  • tech
  • 2024-08-11

Modern science posits that our universe was born 13.8 billion years ago from the explosion of a singularity, a point of infinite mass, energy, heat, density, and infinitesimal volume. After this singularity exploded, the universe rapidly expanded in all directions, and it took an incredibly long time for it to become the cosmos we observe today. Celestial bodies in the universe were formed after the Big Bang, and our Earth is one such planet. However, the most significant distinction between Earth and other planets is that life emerged on Earth. The advent of life has added much color to our planet, especially with the appearance of humans who have unraveled many of Earth's mysteries. Now, humans are capable of leaving Earth to explore the universe, indicating the swift pace of human technological development. As technology advances, it is possible that many currently impossible feats may be achievable within our lifetimes. Let's take a look at some of the technologies that could change the world.

The first technology—Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs)

Brain-Computer Interfaces represent the cutting edge of the deep integration between life sciences and information technology, with broad prospects for the future. They have the potential to become a future industry that promotes economic development and improves people's livelihoods. Humans have already achieved notable success in the following areas: 1. Expansion of applications in the medical and health fields: providing new methods for the treatment of neurological diseases, such as helping patients with high-level paraplegia to regain some bodily functions and improve their quality of life; assisting doctors in more accurately diagnosing diseases and formulating personalized treatment plans; and holding promise in the treatment of epilepsy, depression, and in helping the blind regain some vision. 2. Continuous technological improvement: enhancing the precision, stability, and safety of BCIs. For instance, invasive BCIs may evolve towards being flexible, miniaturized, high-throughput, and integrated; non-invasive BCIs, on the other hand, need to improve their ability to collect and process brainwave signals to reduce the impact of external interference.


3. Integration with other technologies: Combining advanced theories and cutting-edge technologies from multiple disciplines such as medicine, computer science, electronics, mechanics, materials, and artificial intelligence to achieve better performance and functionality. Although BCIs are of great significance for the future development of humanity, they also raise ethical and legal issues. For example, ensuring that the use of BCI technology does not infringe on personal privacy and autonomy, and regulating its application in medical and commercial fields will become a focal point of societal concern. If humans can apply these technologies to those in need, it would be an extraordinary achievement. For instance, we could help those who are physically paralyzed, and it is hoped that this aspiration can be realized within our lifetimes.

The second technology—Human Cryosleep Chambers

In many science fiction novels, we see protagonists entering hibernation chambers to sleep through long periods, sometimes spanning hundreds of years. Upon awakening, they can still move about autonomously, as if they had simply slept. Although this is depicted in science fiction, many animals in our biological world do hibernate. For example, some animals enter a state of hibernation as winter approaches. When hibernating, the animal's body temperature drops, and its metabolism slows significantly, just enough to sustain life. When the environmental temperature further decreases or increases to a certain extent, its body temperature can quickly return to normal. The principle behind the cryosleep chambers that humans are researching for the future is the same as the hibernation principle in animals. They also utilize low temperatures to reduce human metabolism and suspend bodily functions. Currently, we know that humans require a constant body temperature to maintain normal vital signs, typically ranging from 36 to 37.2 degrees Celsius. When the human body temperature falls below 34 degrees Celsius, there is a risk of cellular and metabolic dysfunction.If our body temperature drops below 32 degrees Celsius, we would die. Therefore, humans are still unable to lower their body temperature like animals to enter hibernation. The first person to be cryogenically frozen on Earth has not yet woken up. Let's first learn about this first person to be cryogenically frozen. His full name is James Hiram Bedford, born in 1893. Compared to the title of "tycoon," his more common identity should be a professor of psychology at the University of California. Of course, it's not an exaggeration to call him a tycoon, because when he was suffering from lung cancer, he heard that the EV Copper organization was offering free cryopreservation services for the first person who desired and needed low-temperature preservation. He signed up to become the "first person." After being successfully selected, he allocated $100,000 in his will for human cryopreservation research. According to the estimated time at that time, he should have awakened a few years ago, but he has not yet awakened, and perhaps scientists do not have enough confidence to awaken him.

To achieve widespread application of human hibernation pods, there are still many challenges. Currently, humans have not fully understood the physiological mechanisms of hibernation, and there is a long way to go from animal experiments to human application. Moreover, the safety, reliability, and long-term effects of related technologies all need to be strictly verified and tested. Researchers at the European Space Agency (ESA) believe that, depending on the availability of funds, the first hibernation study on human subjects may be conducted as early as the mid-2030s. However, the actual development process is still influenced by various factors and requires continuous research and investment. It is hoped that humans can truly achieve this technology in the future, and then we will be able to use this technology to save those diseases that are currently untreatable.

The third technology - Virtual Reality Technology

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have been hot topics in recent years. VR technology allows humans to enter a completely virtual environment, while AR technology adds virtual elements to the real world. Both technologies have a broad application prospect. The application prospect of VR technology is very broad. Currently, VR is mainly used in the fields of games, entertainment, and training. With the development of technology, VR technology will gradually be applied to medical, tourism, construction, design, industry, and other fields. In the medical field, VR can be used for surgical simulation, rehabilitation training, and psychological therapy for patients. The combination of the Internet and VR technology will become an important trend in the future. The development of virtual technology can be divided into three stages: the germination stage, the application stage, and the rapid development stage. In the 1960s, simulation devices such as flight simulators appeared. The application stage was from the 1970s to the 1990s, when virtual technology was breakthrough applied to aerospace, military, games, and other fields.

Now, with the advancement of human technology and the support of technologies such as 5G, VR technology has entered a stage of rapid development. Its concept has expanded to some extent to all virtual visual system synthesis technologies. Based on the important role of VR technology applications and devices in various fields, scientists are actively researching this technology. If humans can really achieve this technology, then in the future, humans will have significant effects in many fields: 1. In the field of education: It can provide learners with an immersive learning experience. For example, students can visit historical sites, explore the mysteries of the universe, or conduct complex scientific experiments through VR, which helps to enhance learning effects and increase interest in learning. 2. In the entertainment industry: It brings a new experience to entertainment forms such as games, movies, and music, allowing the audience to be more deeply integrated into the virtual world and obtain a richer and more exciting entertainment experience.

In addition, scientists can also use this technology to simulate complex data and meteorology, such as climate models, molecular structures, etc. Overall, VR technology has tremendous potential to change our daily lives, learning, work, and entertainment, promoting leapfrog development and progress in various fields of human society. It is hoped that we can achieve this technology within our lifetime.The fourth technology—Quantum Computers

Quantum computers utilize quantum bits for computation, with the ability to exist in multiple states simultaneously (superposition), enabling them to process computations in parallel. In contrast, traditional computer bits can only represent a few states such as 00, 01, 10 at any one time. As the number of quantum bits increases, this parallelism grows exponentially. For certain specific problems, quantum computers can vastly outperform conventional computers. For instance, China's optical quantum computer "Jiuzhang-3" solves particular problems a billion times faster than supercomputers. Quantum computers are theoretically capable of simulating any natural system, offering a significant advantage when dealing with problems involving a vast number of variables and complex data. The principle of quantum computing is revolutionary, following the laws of quantum mechanics and computing in an entirely new way. This means we can solve problems previously deemed impossible, opening doors to new scientific and technological frontiers. Especially with Jiuzhang-3's speed in solving the Gaussian Boson Sampling mathematical problem, it's almost unbelievable.

Currently, the fastest supercomputers in the world would take 2 billion years to solve a problem that Jiuzhang-3 can solve in a millionth of a second. This is not just a leap in numbers but a revolutionary challenge to the entire field of computer science. However, quantum computers are still in the developmental stage and face challenges and limitations such as the stability and control difficulty of quantum bits, environmental noise interference, and the high complexity and cost of quantum computers. The number of quantum bits in current quantum computers is still limited, but with technological advancements, it is expected to increase significantly, allowing them to handle more complex problems. For example, in November 2023, Atom Computing launched a quantum computer with 1225 quantum bits, and in December of the same year, IBM unveiled the 1121-qubit IBM Quantum Condor chip and the 133-qubit Heron quantum processing unit. With persistent human effort, we will surely be able to realize this technology in the future.

The fifth technology—Establishing a Lunar Base

The Moon is the most explored celestial body after Earth, as it is Earth's satellite and relatively close. Scientists have conducted numerous studies on the Moon. In ancient China, there were many legends about the Moon, such as Chang'e flying to the moon and the Palace of Eternal Cold. In 1609, Galileo was the first to observe the Moon through a telescope, marking the beginning of human exploration of the Moon. In 1969, Apollo 11 successfully sent Armstrong and Aldrin to the Moon, where Armstrong uttered the famous phrase: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Following this successful lunar landing, the United States launched a series of manned missions to the Moon. During these missions, astronauts placed scientific instruments on the lunar surface for in-depth research and brought back 381.7 kilograms of lunar soil. Now, China is also capable of landing on the Moon and collecting lunar soil. However, for long-term development on the Moon, current human technology is not yet sufficient.

The lunar environment differs from Earth's, with no atmosphere or water resources and extreme temperature differences between day and night. To survive long-term in such an extreme environment, we must transform the Moon to create an Earth-like ecological space. However, this is not an easy task, as it requires transporting a large amount of mechanical equipment to the Moon. Currently, humans do not possess rockets powerful enough to achieve this technology. Additionally, the Moon's gravity is one-sixth of Earth's, which means construction robots would need to operate according to the specific conditions on the Moon. The materials needed for construction are also a concern; transporting them from Earth to the Moon would be cumbersome and costly.Therefore, the best approach is to make use of local resources. Currently, scientists are actively seeking ways to utilize lunar resources. Although human technology has not yet reached this level, with the advancement of human progress, it is certain that humans will be able to achieve this goal in the future. What would you like to say about this?

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