The solar activity has entered its peak period. Scientists speculate that a sola

The solar activity has entered its peak period. Scientists speculate that a sola

  • tech
  • 2024-07-28

According to scientific research, we can understand that Earth is a planet teeming with life, hosting a vast array of organisms including marine life, terrestrial life, amphibians, and microorganisms, among others. Humans are the most intelligent life forms on Earth, and since our inception, we have been continuously researching and exploring the mysteries of the world. Now, humans have been able to step beyond Earth to explore the cosmos, indicating the rapid pace of technological advancement. It is only after venturing out into space that we realize Earth is not the only world; there is a vast universe beyond our planet, with an innumerable amount of stars and planets, and Earth is just one of them. Earth is situated in the solar system, which comprises eight major planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. These planets all orbit the Sun, and research by scientists suggests that our solar system was born around 5 billion years ago.

Scientists speculate that a supernova explosion occurred in a corner of the Milky Way galaxy at that time. The shockwaves from this explosion traveled through the interstellar medium, exacerbating its unevenness. Due to the force of gravity, the interstellar medium contracted towards denser regions, with the central area gradually becoming hotter and more concentrated. It began to generate energy through nuclear fusion, and thus, the Sun was born. Concurrently, the remaining material of the solar nebula formed a disk, known as the protoplanetary disk, which primarily consisted of hydrogen, helium, and some dust, rocks, and metals. During the planet formation process, tiny particles in the disk coalesced, gradually forming pebbles, boulders, and eventually larger celestial bodies—planetesimals. Once their diameters reached several kilometers, they possessed sufficient gravity to attract more material. Dust and gas particles in the disk coalesced, slowly forming particles, and over time, the protoplanetary disk contracted into rings.


After the formation of the main members of the solar system, due to Jupiter's immense gravitational pull, the rocks and metals between Mars and Jupiter failed to coalesce into a planet, resulting in the asteroid belt we see today. Since its birth, the Sun has been continuously releasing heat and has been burning for 5 billion years. At this point, some may wonder why the Sun has not extinguished after burning for such a long time. The Sun's burning is different from the combustion we experience on Earth; it is more accurate to describe it as nuclear fusion reactions occurring within the Sun. Inside the Sun, there is an extremely high pressure and temperature. The pressure within the Sun can reach 300 billion times that of Earth's atmospheric pressure, with temperatures as high as 15 million degrees Celsius. Under these extreme conditions, hydrogen nuclei undergo nuclear fusion reactions. Specifically, hydrogen nuclei (protons) within the Sun continuously fuse into helium nuclei through a series of reactions, and due to the mass deficit, they release a tremendous amount of energy.

The Sun is a massive plasma sphere primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, with a radius of about 700,000 kilometers. Gravitational forces cause this plasma sphere to contract towards its core, creating pressures of about 300 billion Earth atmospheres and temperatures of 15 million Kelvin. Under such pressures and temperatures, the outer electrons of hydrogen atoms in the core are stripped away by the extreme conditions, leaving bare nuclei. These nuclei collide violently with each other under pressure and high temperatures, igniting nuclear fusion. The process of solar nuclear fusion is quite complex; in simple terms, four hydrogen nuclei fuse into one helium nucleus. During this fusion process, there is a loss of mass, which is ultimately converted into energy and released. Approximately 600 million tons of hydrogen in the Sun's core participate in nuclear fusion every second, with a mass loss of 0.72%, equating to 4.23 million tons. This energy is absorbed by celestial bodies, but Earth can only absorb about one-twentieth of a billionth of the solar energy per second.

This illustrates that the Sun's energy is immense to us. The emergence of life on Earth is closely related to the Sun. Without the Sun, there would be no temperature, and life would not be possible. Although the Sun is very important to humanity, it can also pose dangers to life, such as the release of solar wind. Solar storms are primarily released in three forms: enhanced electromagnetic radiation, high-energy charged particle streams, and plasma clouds. When these materials and energies reach the space near Earth, they cause strong disturbances to Earth's magnetic field, ionosphere, and middle and upper atmosphere, leading to a series of consequences. Solar storms are a form of intense energy release in solar activity. The Sun is not as calm as it appears to us; its surface also has various active regions, such as sunspots and solar flares. When these active regions accumulate to a certain extent, they can trigger solar storms.Essentially, solar storms are massive streams of charged particles, primarily composed of electrons, protons, and heavier particles. These charged particles are ejected from the surface of the Sun at extremely high speeds, often reaching hundreds or even thousands of kilometers per second. The occurrence of solar storms is closely related to changes in the Sun's magnetic field. The Sun's magnetic field lines can become twisted and tangled due to convection and rotation within the Sun. When this distortion and entanglement reach a certain level, the magnetic energy is suddenly released, causing the material on the Sun's surface to be heated and accelerated, thus forming a solar storm. The charged particle streams in solar storms can significantly affect the space environment of Earth and other planets. When these particle streams collide with Earth's magnetosphere, they can cause intense disturbances to the Earth's magnetic field, leading to geomagnetic storms. Geomagnetic storms may result in changes in the direction and strength of the Earth's magnetic field, affecting the normal operation of satellites, communication, and navigation systems. For instance, satellites may malfunction due to bombardment by charged particles, communication signals may be interrupted or disrupted, and the accuracy of navigation systems may be reduced.

On March 13, 1989, a solar storm event occurred in the Quebec region of Canada. After the solar storm hit, the entire Quebec region was plunged into darkness and without power within just 92 seconds, causing the heating systems to stop working and waking people from their sleep. The power outage lasted nearly 12 hours, destroyed over 10,000 transformers, and resulted in incalculable economic losses. Fortunately, our Earth has a strong magnetic field. Without it, life on Earth would not be able to survive for long. The Earth's magnetic field is an invisible and intangible special substance surrounding our planet. Although we cannot directly perceive it, it is of great significance for human survival. It acts as a protective shield against various types of radiation and solar winds from space. Solar winds possess extremely powerful energy, and if they were to directly hit Earth, they could cause severe harm to life on Earth, such as damaging the DNA of living organisms and affecting their growth and reproduction. The existence of the Earth's magnetic field can deflect these charged particles.

They are guided towards the Earth's poles, creating the magnificent auroras and also protecting life on Earth from a large amount of radiation. Additionally, the Earth's magnetic field helps maintain the stable movement of the Earth's atmosphere. Without the protection of the atmosphere, solar radiation would directly hit the skin of living organisms, making survival impossible. Mars is a good example. With a radius of about 3,400 kilometers and a mass of 11% that of Earth, scientists have concluded that life may have once existed on Mars. The main reason for the disappearance of Martian life is the lack of an atmosphere, and the loss of the atmosphere is due to the absence of a magnetic field to protect it. Currently, scientists are still uncertain why Mars lost its magnetic field, but many speculate that it may be related to asteroid impacts. Overall, the Earth's magnetic field is indispensable for the ecological environment of Earth, the survival and proliferation of life, and human activities. We should strengthen research on the Earth's magnetic field.

According to observations by scientists, in 2024, our Sun will enter a period of high activity, which means we are likely to experience more solar storms. We know that the cycle of solar activity occurs approximately every 11 years, which means that the level of solar activity increases and decreases in a cycle of 11 years. At the beginning of the solar cycle, the number of sunspots is relatively low, peaks after 5-6 years, and then declines over the next 5 years. Currently, we are in the 25th solar cycle since records began in 1755, and astronomers observe that 2024 will see a peak in sunspot activity, which means the likelihood of solar storms will significantly increase. Consequently, the chances of Earth being hit by solar storms will also greatly rise. Given this, how should we prepare for the arrival of solar storms?

First, strengthen monitoring and early warning: Countries should establish and improve solar activity monitoring systems to monitor the state of the Sun in real-time, including changes in sunspots, flares, and other activities. Through specialized equipment and technology, predict and analyze solar storms, issue early warnings, and allow relevant departments and the public enough time to prepare for the response.

Second, reinforce critical infrastructure: Key facilities such as satellites, communication, and power systems need special reinforcement and protection. Satellites should be designed using materials and technologies that can resist electromagnetic interference and radiation; communication systems can add shielding devices, use alternative communication methods, etc., to reduce the impact of solar storms on signal transmission.Third, ensuring the safety of space activities: During solar storms, it is best to avoid conducting space activities such as satellite launches. For spacecraft and space stations in orbit, protective measures should be strengthened, and astronauts should be made aware of the associated risks and response methods.

Fourth, raising public awareness: Through popular science propaganda and other means, inform the public about the basic knowledge of solar storms, their potential impacts, and how to respond. For example, during solar storms, it is advisable to avoid using electrical appliances and reduce outdoor activities.

Fifth, strengthening international cooperation: Solar storms are a global issue that requires a collective response from all countries. There should be enhanced information sharing, exchange of experiences, and technological cooperation among nations to jointly improve the monitoring, early warning, and response capabilities to solar storms.

Generally speaking, the impact of solar storms on humanity is not that severe. After all, by the time they reach the Earth's surface, they have already been interacting with the Earth's magnetic field for a while, so their impact on us is not very significant. They generally do not pose a threat to our lives. Moreover, human technology is rapidly advancing. Although we currently do not have the means to completely resist the onslaught of solar storms, as long as humanity continues to work hard persistently, we will surely be able to withstand solar storms in the future. Moreover, in the solar system, the most terrifying thing is not the solar storm, as its power is not enough to destroy the entire solar system. The most frightening is the lifespan of the sun. When the sun is about to reach the end of its life, it will transform into a red giant. The volume of a red giant is enormous, capable of engulfing the orbits of Mercury, Venus, and Earth. At that time, our planet will be consumed by the sun. That is when our sun is about to be destroyed, which is the most dreadful aspect of the sun.

If humanity is unable to colonize other planets before the sun becomes a red giant, then human civilization will also become extinct. Currently, scientists have already discovered many Earth-like planets in the universe, such as Kepler-452b, Kepler-22b, Gliese 581g, and so on. However, these planets are very far from Earth, and our current technology cannot reach them. Therefore, scientists are actively researching ways to increase the speed of spacecraft. But do not worry too much, as it will take more than 4 billion years for the sun to become a red giant, which is a very long time for humanity. It is important to remember that it has only been a few million years since humans evolved from apes, which is a very short time compared to the sun's history. The fact that humans have been able to rise to the top of the Earth's food chain and explore the universe in just a few million years shows that the pace of human technological development is very fast. In the future, with the advancement of human technology, we will certainly be able to colonize other planets. What do you think about this?
